As I remember It was around late November when Mao mentioneed to us that there will be a Cosplay Convention in Talisay somewhere at July.
Weeeeee and yes the long wait had been worthy worthy worthy worthy!!!!
Yesterday I and my fellow Hitsuzen's and friends gathered in Talisay Clubhouse to witness and be part of the BluCrash's Cosplay and Fashion Revolution in collaboration also with the Bacolod Genre. It was fully supported by their SK's and City Mayor and as well this was also part of their ongoing Fiesta.
It was fun! Awesome! Sweaty! Crowded! and what else could I say..? Perfect
We've only met Mao and Co. about a year ago but we already had so much bonding and friendship. We've also gone through good and of course the worst of times but Nakama's bond always prevails! HAIL! hahaha XD
The entrance and registration booth.
As far as I know I had no plans of joining the RAMP!
I just want to take pictures of everyone for my documentation addiction LOL but I was forced hahahaha XD
Some of our Nakamas were already there when we arrived.
I was #16 hahaha XD well I just feel like telling what # I am
Shinigami-sama, Eruka and Crona
Shinigami-sama doing the initial Chop pose
This one was Odd XD
...Von said "Ok Soul Eater casts please!"
then he disregarded Crona not knowing she was also a Soul Eater cast LOL
Crona and Ragnarok versus Noitra
The Hitsuzen members who were present and kicking LOL
Ban, Von, Mets,Ele, and Romel
...and Ban still doing that infected pose -.-
Ban as Fai (Tsubasa Chronicles) with his kawaii Moko-chan kyaaa~
Evangelista Siblings as Noitra and Halibel (Bleach Espadas)
Halibel with her Cellphone hahaha
Now you know the other side of this bad ass Espada XD
Kai as Ceil Phantomville (Kuroshitsuji)
whoah! Kowaii nails
The ever lovely Sai as Gaysha LOL I mean a Medieval Gothic Princess
The stage!!!!
Scary right..?
Scary because it was outdoors you'll nver know when that RAIN comes!
But we were blessed!
Before the real thing happens
we were told to rehearse our way to the stage
because instructions by words is not enough unless we do it in actual motion.
These were the few of us who participated in the rehearsal ramp.
Ceil a fan of Skyflakes hahaha
...and Ceil in...err...
Fan Girl...?
Yumi-chan in one of the Rozen Maidens only in Black Version.
Noitra having stiff neck hehehe
Sasori being so cute
Halibel looking oh so deadly!
and guess what, the person behind the Shinigami mask hahah
Tobi and Sasori plotting to make a scene in the Event hahahah XD
Akatsuki still reigning!
Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori and the Twin Tobi!
Romel as Justin Law (Soul Eater)
For the benefit and exposure of his Earphones
Father Justin and Fai
Incest...? Father and Daughter hahah
To think incest is really sinful.
The Sound System broke while taking this picture! LOL
Fai doing his own "Shinigami Choooop!"
Eruka and Crona
Fai in Tobi's mask
In our Dialect
this is a good example of what "Kamatayan" looks like hahaha!
Peace men!
Fai also attempting to be a Death Scythe Meister!
I clearly remember how hard to wear this boots.
No need to elaborate hahahha
It might ruin my image XD
Noitra enjoying his human food
Justin Beiber!!!!!
Sai and Kai
As what you have noticed in the latter pics, its getting darker hahah
The Event really started late which worried me a lot. hmmm
I was like obliged to go home early for some medieval beliefs of my parents (no comment on that). So when I was noticing that its getting late yet the event hasn't started yet I was really getting fuzzy.
The Real RAMP
Yumi-chan had a hard time taking these pictures since we were all walking!
Majority of the Pictures are blurry so just bare with it
But I thank Yumi-chan for helping out :hugs:
After the 1st ramp. We stayed for a while in the Back stage.
My feet by this time is quite painful and tired already already because of the inhuman height of the heels!
Once again all of us were called to ramp again and this time with introductions on what characters were portraying and such.
There was just this small flaw.
There Emcee had a quite difficult time in pronouncing some of the Anime Names.
She was obviously not a fan of anime and there were times also that she gave the wrong description the the character
but it alright everything was still fun in the end
And there you go. That was the end of the Ramp portion.
The next was I think the Anime Questions something.
It was funny that most of our friends were the ones who obviously
had the guts to answer the questions XD.
At this point in time I can't concentrate anymore with the place.
I was too bothered by the time and having quick glances on my phone.
I was really too keen in going home
but not because I was tired or bored. I just needed too
I was really looking forward to witness the event till the very end.
These were my last moments in the event in which everything was just getting more exciting and there I am about to go home!!!
Hitsuzen Daisuke!
I'm looking more froggier with each picture hahah *ribbit!*
Ceil and her Mistressessssss tsk tsk tsk
...and my Frog Hat is way too Odd beside Ulquiorra-sama >.<
Crona and Eruka for the last pic!
Sai having the time of her life with my cam hahaha XD
The crowd by the way...
Noitra in drunk state.
and are we Drunk as well..? hmmm
Us with Mao
I really really really wonder where Ulqiourra is looking!!!!
Mata Ne.
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